Since I came back to US, I had been working on my 3-D Dialog test for a while. ( The monster one...I've been working on the test almost for 4 months and I am sick of it!!) Anyway, I got sick of it, so now I started working on my 2-D dialog test that I was working on before. I think it's very nice to work on 3-D and 2-D at that same time. It reminds me of enjoyment in animation! I enjoy more traditional animation than computer animation. Maybe because I don't know enough about computer animation yet, I get more frustrated with 3-D animation. Especially re-doing all the works get so confused!!!! Like, putting back to stepped keys and then try with spline....and start getting all mixed up and all the keys are all over and I don't know which was keys and breakdowns and inbetweens AND AND!! My brain hurts!

Anyway, so it was very fun to draw him today. Drawing is so much fun!!

hi miyuki!
im glad you like my silly illustrations! they make me laugh :) anyway, i really enjoy your work! It's very solid. I'll be back to check up on ya ;)
Hi, thanks for commenting on my blog. :) I recognize your animation test, The first time I saw them was on youtube.com I belive, I was inspired so I bookmarked the links.
much talent in here.
cute drawings as usual Miyuki. I hope that the 2d help s inspire you more and that your finish your dialogue tests.
keep it goin'!
Your drawings here have a lot of charm Miyuki! Keep plugging away at the tests-- can't wait to see how they turn out!
Martin, thank you for your comment. Yes, your illustrations made me laugh, too!
Heri, thank you very much, Im glad you liked my animation;)
Chris, I am so glad to see you again at school, very excited to work on your film ;)Let's make it CUTE:)
Justin, Thank you very much for kind words. You always inspire me!
Miyuki, your work is looking so great! I'm very impressed, and your animation is rockin'!
That's one terrific looking little guy, Miyuki!!! Very Disney-ish, but with such great personality!!!
Thank you Alex! I'm impressed to see your new character designs, too!
Thank you Christian for kind words. I didn't know about your blog, so I am very excited to see you here!
Miyuki, these drawings are excellent!
You are so good :) Can't wait to see him animated!
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