Monday, December 03, 2007

To Arthur

A few days ago, Matt came home, and he told me some very sad news. One of our really good friends from college just passed away in a car accident. I still cannot believe the fact that he's dead. He was only 26, he was too young and it was too sudden. I still don't know how to deal with this. I feel like if we get together, he will be there. He was just there for our wedding, and we were just talking with him a few weeks ago. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I cannot believe that he is gone, even if we call his cell phone, he wouldn't pick it up.

I just wanted to let this out, it still hasn't really sunk in for me, and it just hasn't felt real to me. This is my blog, even though this is an art blog, I don't really care. I just needed to say how great Arthur Yeh was. Steve, Matt, Me, Ray, Robert, and Trey were all working together on a project. And it feels odd that Arthur is not there.

We went to visit his mom's house the other day, and the only words that stuck with me that she told us was "Enjoy your life."

I sometimes forget to appreciate my life. I tend to complain and ask for more. It reminded me how lucky I am to be here.

We miss him very much, and I wish he wasn't gone yet. But I guess I have to accept the fact that he is not with us anymore in this world. I will miss him very much.


Ames Away said...

All my prayers and thoughts go out to Arthur and his loved ones. I know he is with God. *HUGS*

Ames Away said...
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Raynard Castillo said...

Well put Miyuki, its been a difficult few days for me as well.I'll always know him as a great friend and artist.

Alex Deligiannis said...

Art blog or not, that was a really great post. My prayers are with you guys, and with Arthur's family.

I know that, considering your current post, the timing is poor, but I just read the news about you getting married. Huge congrats to you and Matt, and I wish you guys all the best. Be blessed!

Miyuki Kanno Long said...

Thank you all for the comment. After his funeral, it really sunk in me that he is really gone. I will miss him, but I hope he is happy where he is now. Thank you all again ;)