Thursday, November 29, 2007


Hi everyone, sorry for the delay of the posts....I have a good excuse...Matt and I had a wedding in Hawaii last week! We are husband and wife now! We were engaged for almost a year and half. Here are some of our engagement photos...(I know this is a art blog, but I loved the work our friend Matt Lin did! Thanks Matt!)

And after many plannings for a year and half, we had a wedding in Kauai, the beautiful island. We had 53 guests from Japan and main land, and it was so wonderful to see all my family and friends. We laughed, danced, cried, and it was one of the best moment. (Especially after all the stressful time!)

These are pictures of rehearsal dinner (we had Japanese kimono on that my mom made for us...)


Tal Moscovici said...

Hey since we share the same blog template, I can be your "blogger-in-law"!!! I think I've talked to everyone about the wedding except for you. Good to finally talk to y...or rather good to finally, uh, read your words and, ummm, hear your voice (amongst others) in my head...

...On a serious note though (yes I can be serious), I wish you and Matt eternal glow as you venture down the beam of glorious matrimony. Many congrats, blogger-in-law!

Robert Perrett said...

What a beautiful wedding. Congratulations on your new life together, Miyuki and Matt. Have a blessed life together.

Mike Nassar said...

wow congrats guys! The weeding photos look amazing. you both looks great and the wedding must have been a blast.

congrats, and I hope to see the both of you soon to give you both a big hairy hug.

Miyuki Kanno Long said...

Thank you guys! It was stressful, but it was very beautiful, and it was great to be with family and friends;) I miss Hawaii!